ShaBeBe's Native American Indian Culture in Louisiana


Last Modified November 08, 1997 with hits since 10/97.

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My Native American Heritage

  1. My earliest Native American ancestor was an unknown female MicMac who married a LeJeune back in the 1600s in Acadia.

  2. My aunt told me that my great, great grandmother was a Tahoe Indian from the Red River Area, although I have yet to find any record of this tribe anywhere. Her name was Mary Alice Theall (b. 1849).  

  3. Her name was Anna or Emma Maller(?) and she married Andrew Benoit (born November 1829).  That's all the information that I have about her, but she is supposed to be Native American.

  4. Yet Another Native American Ancestor was Marie Josephe Gand/Gaume (b. 1826) and she was married to Etienne LeJeune (b. Nov 19, 1811).  She died in Eunice, LA on November 29, 1869.  One of the LeJeune cousins in Jennings, LA is also researching the family history and tried to obtain information from the Coushatta tribe but has had difficulty because of the new casino.  Anyway....

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What Do I Mean By A Rose?

Not being raised as or around Native Americans I'm not sure about this issue.  On some pages I've found on the web they say the correct term is Native American on others it's different.  I'll put the issue to all of you.  I've included all I could think of along with the arguments against.  Please sign my guestbook to let me know what you think.


Argument Against

Vote Count

Native American Anyone born in America is actually a Native American.


American Indian Some dislike the term Indian and not all tribes originated in America (United States).


Native American Indian A nice compromise?

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